Saturday, June 29, 2013

Taking it easy today...

We were warned of possible bad nausea after the meds yesterday, so we kinda rushed home so I could eat and shower before the effects kicked in.  Folks, I've been doing sponge baths for the last week, and being able to wash my hair and just stand under the shower was glorious.  I got very lucky, and other than some stomach weirdness (closer to heartburn feeling), I am feeling ok!

For documenting purposes, here's a picture of me with the not so fun bandages.  Soooo glad to have those off for 2 weeks!

However, I have been tired.  I'm embarrassed to say I now snore, and sometimes so loudly I wake myself up!  The other foretold side effects that have started kicking in are the bad taste (or maybe changing taste buds is a better explanation).  I thought this was starting, but it wasn't till I had a hot chocolate this morning and realized it didn't really taste like chocolate that my suspicions were confirmed.  The nurses recommended I eat all that seems appetizing now while it tastes good, so I enjoyed some gelato we had in the fridge (and almost bit my husband's head off when he suggested I take it easy - he's still worried about the nausea they warned us about!).  I also had TWO mayorcas today!  We've been keeping some frozen in the fridge and it seemed like the perfect occasion!  Mayorcas are a Puerto Rican sweet bread, similar to Hawaiian sweet bread, traditionally eaten with powdered sugar on top.  They are amazing, and I've spent the better part of 6 months tweaking a bread machine recipe to get the right taste!

What's the second weird side effect?  My nails are changing - they seem a little stiffer, more brittle, and they seem to be getting darker.  Thankfully my Mom is willing to fix the mani/pedi my sister gave me so I can hide the claws!  Apparently they could turn brown, and i would prefer to not even see it!

Last thing I'll say is that I've been looking for ways to have fun with my daughter with all this craziness going on.  My husband is looking into getting her a small slide/swing set for the backyard.  And what do i do?  I got us Little Mermaid wigs!  She likes playing with the hats, and while she doesnt seem convinced by the wig, she seems to like it when I sing with it on. ;). I have been rocking my short hair, but I think I could get used to some fun colored wigs!


  1. You rock both hairstyles! Have you checked out that cool park by your place yet? They have a small water area and snow ones!! Glad you had a fairly normal day!

  2. Saludos Joelli! Te ves hermosa de Little Mermaid! Me recuerda cuando tus hermanas y tu eran pequeñas ! Quiero decirte que tanto Nicky como yo estamos siempre muy pendiente de todo lo que escribes en este blog. Es increible la habilidad que tienes para escribir! Muchos escritores profesionales te envidiarían! Estoy segura que muy pronto saldrás triunfante de esta experiencia y más fuerte que nunca! Nuestras oraciones y buens vibraciones están siempre contigo y tu familia. Abrazos para todos y un gran beso a tu hermosa hijita y a su abuelita a quien quiero un montón!
    Olga Caolo

  3. Love the little mermaid wig! Seems like you are dealing with chemo the best you can. Continuing to think of you a lot. :D

  4. Love the little mermaid wig! Seems like you are dealing with chemo the best you can. Continuing to think of you a lot. :D

  5. Haha, The little mermaid look actually looks good on you! Where can we find you fins and a seashell bikini top??

  6. I agree the mermaid wig looks good on you :) I totally remember your mom and dad sending you mayorcas in the mail, with the powdered sugar! ;)

  7. Love the wig! Now is a perfect time to try out different hairstyles with cool wigs. Looking good girl!

  8. Te lo.digooo te ves bella de red!!:-)))


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31 year old navigating life with husband and almost-2-years-old daughter :)